Friday, May 15, 2020

How Diversity Is Addressed Within My Current Work Environment

This paper will explore the how diversity is addressed within my current work environment. For the past 21 years, I have been a Behavioral Health Assistance Service Director of a private, non-profit organization that provides community support services to children and adults in Pennsylvania with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and autism. Our agency’s mission statement expresses our commitment to â€Å"enhancing the quality of life and personal growth of those we serve through support for individual choice and independence† along with embracing the philosophy that each individual has the ability to succeed in life, through personal empowerment with dignity and respect. Our agency provides services in four different regions (Northeast, Southeast, Lehigh Valley and Western) of Pennsylvania that include 16 counties. Due to the vast array of services and their locations, focus will be place on the Northeast region of the agency. Please note that policies and procedures are agency wide as so are agency trainings. At the present time, approximately 70% of our workforce is white and 30 % comprising of Blacks, Hispanics and non-Caucasians. In addition, these percentages appear to mimic the population that we serve. According to the US Census (2010), the community in which services are provided is comprised of 80.9% Whites, 14.9% Black and 12.1% Hispanic. These figures alone may lead one to believe that the occurrence of healthcare disparities is low, butShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Student Diversity1734 Words   |  7 PagesStudent diversity is a topic of interest within many of today’s social settings, one being in the classroom. By creating awareness of the diversity within the classroom, we as teachers can provide a safe and welcoming learning space for our students. 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